Erico Joseph T. Canete
The rapid spread of Omicron virus spiced by the adverse effects of Odette’s wrath deter not the dreary machinations on the race for political glory. Though time is not yet apt for political campaign, yet obviously, advertisements, posters, pamphlets, flyers and other campaign paraphernalia imply so. Visibility of the candidates is ubiquitous. Impish grin appears on the political contenders’ faces. Above all, promises for a better future and sound governance are aired via media or in discreet political gatherings.
Is the promise made during the 2019 campaign period for utopia in local governance met and fulfilled? Is there a conformity with their campaign speeches and their kind of response to the needs of the victims and survivors of the pandemic and the super typhoon? Do they possess a heart to serve and alleviate the suffering of their constituents?
Save the mensch, some have taken for granted, inter alia, the responsibility of delivering basic services, restoring water and power supplies, swift distribution of food packs, giving of financial aid to constituents whose houses were partially and totally damaged by the typhoon. On top of this, one may posit a query; is there a recent convening of the Local Inter Agency Task Force to address this new variant of COVID -19? In some other LGUs, none!
Worst is the existence of discord in the legislative and executive branches of government. When the law making body, in its wisdom and power, passes a legislative measure beneficial to the general public, the local chief executive must implement it otherwise it would constitute an abuse of authority. True likewise to the legislature. Individual pretentions of not seeing the truth and the common good as blinded by the dictate of a political ally constitutes an abuse of freedom. Anyway, as they say, in politics, whatever the boss says, it is.
Indifference and apathy in relation to the cry of the constituents are effects of money politics. Everything can be bought especially the lax and doubtful types of conscience. Politicians’ rhetoric in campaigns is just a matter of a mumble jumble proposition and syllogism aimed to poison the minds of the young, the innocent and the blind followers with gold.
An adept and itinerant preacher made a sound dichotomy between justice and charity in relation to the manner of responding to the needs of the populace. It’s worth sharing.
Justice, in it’s common notion, means the giving of what is due to others. In the case of a public servant, one ought to exercise justice as an obligation required by virtue of their mandate in public service. Meaning, you are obliged to extend help because it’s part of your job though you don’t necessarily have a heart of doing it. You give others their due for there’s a law that says so. And in exercising social justice, one ought to be fair, equal and impartial. I think, for me, this is the least thing a public servant can do.
Is this met and realized? Look around and observe the dirty tricks of corrupt politicians. Your guess is as good as mine.
Heart for service to the populace is a different thing. This is where the virtue of generosity and the virtue of charity flow. This exists not because one is obligated to do so but because one is driven by the force and by the energy of love, synergy and concord.