Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy
This week’s edition of VOX POPULI is featuring the netizens’ responses to the congratulatory statements issued by Gov. Art Yap on the victory of Cong. Aris Aumentado as the newly elected governor of Bohol.
Gov. Art Yap said: “We have fought the good fight and the people have spoken. I wish to congratulate Congressman Erico Aristotle Aumentado for winning the Gubernatorial Race in Bohol. I wish to thank our people for the honor and privilege to have served the Province as Governor and Three Term Congressman of the Third District. To all who supported me in my political journey, I will forever be grateful to all of you even as I now announce the closure of my involvement in local politics. Now, let us put aside differences and unite for the future of Bohol.”
- from Liza Mae Austria Polestico: Thank you so much and We love you Gov Yap! We are grateful for the service and leadership you’ve shown to us. We salute to you Gov!
- from Keziah Regine: I speak Life and Blessings to you Gov!
- from Pearl Calipusan Varquez: Thankyou Gov! We love you! Godbless!
- from Maridyl Malubay: My admiration to u Gov for your service in Bohol.God bless you always.
- from Merl Saura: Thank you Gov. Art for serving the people of Bohol with all the best that you can. God bless…
- from Tiniobabes Mapang: Good day Sir, I don’t know you personally but heard about you a lot. I salute you for the services you have done to Bohol. But situations always occur in any ways. I believed that changes brings chances for the satisfactions of so many. Just wish and pray that all this changes will be for the better of every Boholanos and children’s of our children. God bless us all.
- from Merlyn Inderio Mellijor: Thank You Gov for your love & service of Bohol..God Bless!
- from Eva Lucero Entero: Thank you Gov.Art.God Bless You!
- from Arnie Esarza Vallecera Sumarago: You will always be our governor best governor ever. We love you gov. Art Yap.
- from Yang Ageria Rosales: Thank you Soo much Gov..daghan baya pud Ang mga natabangan nemu…we are grateful too of your services and dedication. God bless you and your family!
- from Shang Arevamirp: My governor, your governor, our governor 💙💕 thank you for being our inspiration for good governance and leadership.
- from Helen Cabug-os Jumawid: Thank you Gov.Art Yap you did all the best for Bohol.God bless..
- from Felicitas Malabas Curpos: Thank you Gov.Art Yap sa tabang to the Boholanos during your term. And God bless you always!
- from Dan Niz: Thank you Gov. Yap for your genuine love and service to all Boholanos. Still congratulations Gov. our best Governor in Bohol Art Yap.
- from Bllon Estampa Mandin: Thank you gov.Art for serving the Boholanos and God bless you always
- from Letecia Podunas Silmaro: Thank you Gov. For serving the Boholanos,we’re so proud & grateful.God bless you.
- from Keziah Regine: Thank You Gov. Art Yap for helping the Boholanos! God bless you and Your Entire Family
- from Evelyn Reyes Buela: Thank you Gov.Art Yap to serve Boholano People. The Lord blessed you .
- from Felix A. Rana: Thank you Gov. Art for Inspiration for the young generation people in Bohol, you’ve done in many years service the Boholanon say’s that MaBuHaY po kayo…
- from Gary Tembo: Thank you so much gov.ART YAP. us your service in boholanos people you are the best GOV we ever had.we all appreciated your effort and godbless take care always
- from Zen Uy: We, the Boholanos can’t thank you enough Gov. Art Yap for your selfless dedication to our dear Province of Bohol…We will always be grateful to you…We wish you the best always in your future endeavors…
- from Annah Apiag: Thank you Gov for your service sa Boholanos. God bless your endeavor.
- from Jocelyn Monacillo Tagoctoc: Thank you Hon. Governor Arthur Yap..God bless you!
- from Maria Cristina Auxtero: Thank you for your service in the Province of Bohol.We all appreciate your dedication to the Boholanos.God bless u always
- from Redem Gabato: Thank you Gov Yap for the good things u have done for the province of Bohol.. God bless u!
- from Avelina Causon: Thank you Gov.Art Yap for your unselfish love services for us .You are always be our governor .God bless you
- from Kristene Mabelle Felisan: Thank you soo much Gov. Art Yap. Thank you for what you have did. Especially your good services. It is truly a “Buhat ang Pasultion” service
- from Connie Arboleras: Thank you Gov for the Love of Bohol. We are so greatful for your good service.
- from Anita Tampos: Thank you gov Art.you are a good sport….bzta for me i like your performances as gov…maybe God has a new plans for you…God bless!
- from Hani Ceballos: Still congratulations Gov!
- from Annica Ross Iyana: Thank you Gov. Sending hugs from our family.
- from Pearl Nikki Paler: For me your the best governor dire sa bohol…thank you Gov. Art Yap.
- from Jackylou Baobao Japos: Thank you gov for your truthful service to Boholanos. Bohol is grateful to have you as our governor. Your legacy will remain forever in our hearts. Still the best governor
- from Antonina Maninantan: Thank you Gov Art for your good service to us Boholanos you are always in our
- from Deah Angele: THANK YOUUUU GOV! WE LOVE YOU!
- from Liza Idulsa Nocalan: Thank you Gov. God bless
- from Jolina L. Lagang-Cruz: God bless in your future endeavors Gov! May you continue to help and serve the people.
- from Joefely Corazon: Salute to you Gov Art Yap for everything you have done especially during the past calamities in Bohol. God Bless you more!
- from Dee Liah Tumanda: Thank you Gov for everything you done specially in Loboc. You so approachable person. I am grateful for your service and leadership. .. God bless you on your next journey.
- from allyssa あ: Thank you Gov you did all your best in Bohol. God bless!
- from Lehm Salces Ozart: Thank you so much Gov.for your service to the people of Bohol .You will never be forgotten.
- from Japay Romero Señoran: Thnk you gov… God bless!
- from Romy Garsuta Garcia: Thank you Gov Art for your services to the Boholanos. God bless