Amber turns 8!

Mareya Amber Ocampo Alaan, the youngest grandchild of Telly and Roger (+) Ocampo turned eight last August 31 in a small celebration with newfound friends and family. This quiet little girl is fast becoming a confident young lady with her own unique voice.
Amber, a fan of “Stranger Things,” had excitedly planned her party months before her birthday and supportive family helped to make it real. She researched and designed the cake baked by Estrella Estrella. The main decor of the party was a poster edited by her Kuya Elias Fernandez and printed by Degatzprint.

The birthday cake designed by the celebrator herself.

The theme of the celebration: “Stranger Things”

Amber, the celebrator, with her “Stranger Things” poster

Amber with her Mama Ayen, Papa Dave, sister Magenta, classmates and cousins

With Tita Daria Realista, Tita Siony Bacquial, Tita Tina Gatal de Aro, Tita Michelle and Mamita Estelita Gonzaga Ocampo

With Ate Magenta, Margaret’s classmate Slava, Tito Michael and Tita Mel Micutuan

Seated (at right) is Mama Ayen (Amber’s mother) with a Cebuana friend Resyl Francisco Delator, now based in Panglao