The sidewalk exists for the pedestrian and until it is designated as a parking space, it is meant for people, and not for vehicles.
It seems that there are some folks who feel entitled to use the sidewalk as their garage to the detriment of the residents who need to have a safe walkway.
If car owners continue to use the sidewalk, then what is going to happen to the right of the people to use the walkway for their safety? Is this not a way of denying them the sidewalk that is meant to be a safe way to save their lives? Let us put a stop to this practice of using the sidewalk as a garage for our private cars. This blatant disregard of the people’s right should be immediately stopped. The local government unit and other authorities should remember the real purpose for which the sidewalk has been built.
The local authorities should clearly define where the parking areas are and penalize those who would use the sidewalks for their car parking.
It is great that there are local government units which are strict in implementing parking rules by clamping down on these people who are abusive. We need to instill discipline or risk chaos on the streets.
As citizens, we should be disciplined enough to do the right thing and let the sidewalks and other walkways be free from obstructions. Remember, there was a time when the government was preoccupied in removing obstructions, and it seems that today, we have totally forgotten all the efforts we have exerted to clean our pathways.
It would help to craft a law that will deny ownership of a private vehicle if the person can’t produce an acceptable parking area. In short, no parking space, no car registration.
We urge the local police to inspect the obstructions on the sidewalks. While the police force’s manpower may be short, we are still of the belief that the people should enjoy their right of free passage on the sidewalk.
Our local leaders are strongly urged to have the political will to implement the law and remove all obstructions including all those who feel they are entitled to their own understanding and interpretation of the law.