Buying a car may sound simple if one has the means but for it to become a wise choice, many factors have to be considered. Especially when it comes to dispensing people’s money.
Public servants tasked to safeguard the public coffers should do so diligently and judiciously. They should have the people’s best interest in mind apart from their own.
But choosing what car to purchase and use as in the case of our lawmakers is of great consequence when it is done at a time when almost everyone else is reeling from the spiraling costs of living. That we live in difficult economic times is an indisputable fact, one we are all aware of.
Yet, despite the outcry, 14 brand new vehicles were purchased by the capitol for our lawmakers’ official use. But why a 4 x 4 pickup and not the standard ordinary model?
First we must try to understand the rationale behind it. Without going into a debate on whether or not such purchase is necessary now, let us know the difference between the two.
“A 2WD is used for regular road driving. When you need extra power and traction (deep mud, soft sand, ruts, steep inclines and declines, rocky surfaces, etc.) you are better off driving a 4WD. You can engage 4WD by pressing a button but the process for engaging 4WD, however, depends on your vehicle “
” Although 2WD cars offer great efficiency, they may not be the best choice if you constantly find yourself traveling on slippery streets. On the other hand, 4WD vehicles are great for off-roading and can handle various types of terrain with ease. However, they may not be as efficient as vehicles with other drivetrains.”
” With two-wheel drive, the engine sends power to two of the car’s wheels while allowing the other two wheels to spin. Because the engine doesn’t have to use energy to power all four wheels, and because two-wheel drive systems weigh less than four-wheel drive, two-wheel drive vehicles are lighter and more fuel-efficient. “
” We do not use 4WD on flat, smooth and dry roads, as it can damage your vehicle, according to CONSUMER REPORTS. FAMILY HANDYMAN adds that 4WD uses up more fuel to get the gears and drive shaft going. You must turn it off when you don’t need it to save on gas.”
” While 2WD will get you over even the steepest hills of San Francisco, if you are off-roading you will probably want the extra power that comes with 4WD. 4WD improves traction in dangerous driving conditions, such as snow, ice, rocks, and other scenarios that can make control difficult.”
“Vehicles equipped with AWD or 4WD generally suffer a fuel economy penalty due to the extra weight and mechanical resistance of the equipment needed to turn all four wheels. In some cases, the reduction in gas mileage is small but can add up over time.”
Yet in about 90% of regular day to day road activity, 4WD is never used. But why did our lawmakers opt for the offroad choice?
If it were a rescue vehicle, no doubt a 4WD is a better choice. But considering cost, efficiency and financial practicality, even an entry level variant more than fulfills the need.
The central roads in our province are by far upgraded and accessible. Only a few places remain dilapidated and difficult when it rains. So how often do we need to go off-road if ever?
We can do with a little sacrifice and bear the inconvenience of travelling under these conditions if we are judicious with our spending. A 4WD costs significantly more than a 2WD. Imagine the savings we can generate that can go to other programs to help our suffering people?
Come to think of it, if our legislators really need to visit their constituents for them to better perform their jobs, these are done in strategic, central areas in the barangay accessible to all. Not many people and households live in difficult to reach places and our politicians mostly do house to house visits only during election campaigning.
In other words, for all practical intents a 4WD is a no brainer. Any other cheaper vehicle can serve our lawmakers’ purpose just the same. Are they safe riding a 2WD on our roads? Of course! Unless they all want a 4WD in aid of election and to carry their legislative agenda with them.