7th Year Wedding Anniversary
Sunday, April 16, 2023

The newlyweds: Mr. & Mrs. Jan Albert Honculada (nee Theresa Go)
“And so we know and rely
on the love God has for us.
God is love.
Whoever lives in love
lives in God, and God in him.”

Jan Albert and Therese got married seven (7) years ago – on April 16, 2016 to be exact. On Sunday, next week, they will be celebrating their 7th year of marriage.
The Bohol Tribune covered their wedding celebration – 7 years ago, and today, we reprint what we exactly wrote on their wedding day!

The big day essentials – the wedding shoes, the bridal bouquet and the invitation card
The groom, Jan Albert said: “Theresa and I met during our college days when we were both commissioners of the Central Student Government-Commission on Audit (CSG-COA). Our friendship was easy to build since we both love music and talked about ‘ROCK’ as a favorite genre. After graduation I went home to Cagayan de Oro (CDO) while she proceeded to Manila for the CPA (Certified Public Accountants) review classes and eventually to Cebu City for her job search after passing the board exams. I thought we ‘lost’ each other until one day in May of 2011, as I went over my twitter account, I chanced upon her. Our communication lines were rekindled and became stronger than ever. When I went to Cebu to claim my prize from her, I was simply overjoyed. It was a prize I got after winning my bet on the NBA Finals between the Dallas Mavericks and Miami Heat. Her team lost and mine won. Yes, we both love the NBA. Yes, we both love music and sports. Yes, we both started to be interested in each other and on May 1, 2012 she allowed me to be part of her life.”

The father dancing with her daughter, the bride.
On Saturday, April 16, 2016, at 3:00 in the afternoon, their wedding bells merrily rang at the St. Ignatius de Loyola Parish here in Tagbilaran City with Cebu – based Rev. Fr. Mike Fortich, the uncle of the bride, as officiating priest and with the Loboc Children’s Choir, under the baton of Alma Taldo, providing the church hymns.
The reception venue, the Crab House by the Bay (which was also the wedding preparation venue), was filled with not less than 300 guests all clad with shades of green as the wedding motif. With “SMILE” Philippines AS Coordinator, Commentator and Reception Host, everything turned out well – VERY WELL! The different service providers were: The Dynamics (Angel Zamora & J-ann Talisic-Ariate) for entertainment; Macoy Irig for Light and Sounds; Edwin Go for Chruch Styling; Floral Galleria of Rowen Magante for the reception styling; Niesty Mendez for the wedding cake and dessert buffet; RJ Intano for Mobility & Transportation; Mark Quitoriano of Cagayan de Oro for videography, 3DOTS Concepts of Alan Nadela of Cebu for the photography and with special thanks to Maleth Zafra.

The wedding cake by Niesty Mendez
The Liturgical Sponsors included the following: First Reading, Ms. Ronabelle Patenio; Responsorial Psalm, Haidee Vargas (LCC); Second Reading, Lorenz Gabriel Go & Prayers of the Faithful, Hensely Uy.

The other members of the entourage were: Bestman: Mark Arthur Honculada; Groom’s Parents: Alberto & Rufina Honculada; Bride’s Parents: Santiago & Josefin Go & Mrs. Josefina Go; Principal Sponsors: Felix Honculada & Nora Guimbao, Victor Honculada & Bernardita Honculada, Conrado Gunting & Evangeline Porlacin, Eldred Cesar Tan & Judy Tan, Eugene Fortich & Jelinda Fortich, Edwin Go & Ritzel Albert Arambala; Secondary Sponsors: Candle – Rodolfo Intano Jr. & Haiza Intano, Veil: Ricky Almasa & Ann Roussel Almasa, Cord: Fritz Lester Patindol & Ma. Elizabeth Patindol; Bearers: John Lennon Caῆedo(ring), Lyle Kyoti Go(coin), Zebede Josef Ingles(Bible); Flower Girls: Marcky Yannah & Aaliyah Handra Honculada, Chelsea Mendoza, Evita Carla Honculada & Ma. Maevern Anne Espina; Groom’s Men & Bride’s Maids: Kenneth Norman & Ailien Honculada, Anthony Peliῆo & Mieljoan Honculada, Joseph Niῆo Go & May Grace Ingles, Irvin Honculada & Ashley May Magasin and Brian Honculada & Anne Marie Peliῆo; Maid of Honor: Melanie Oncog; Offerers: & Prayers of the Faithful: Candles – Julius Kevin Montuya & Amor Culgue, Flowers – Ryan Conroe Escriba & Haidee Escriba, Fruits – Abel Eric Go & Maria Jennifer Precious Gaston, Host & Wine – Randolph Jay Sabasales & Capalaran Ladera, Cruets & Ciborium – Joshua Floyd Patindol & Aiza Patindol.

The groom, Jan Albert Honculada – a Certified Public Accountant from Cagayan de Oro City
Now, may we present to you the groom – Jan Albert Honculada. He is the 2nd to the eldest of 4 siblings. He is from CDO where he spent his elementary and secondary days. He decided to enroll in Holy Name University (HNU) for his B.S. in Accountancy course and graduated Cum Laude. Immediately after graduation he took review classes for the CPA Board Examination, took the exams; and passed! He got his first job from a CDO real estate company but resigned a few weeks ago to permanently reside in Cebu with his bride after their wedding.

Theresa, the beautiful and radiant bride. Like the groom, she is a Certified Public Accountant.
May we now present the bride – Theresa Go, the eldest daughter of the two children of Sonny and Josie Go. Theresa is used to the intricacies of being “OIC” at home since this responsibility was assigned to her while her parents were at work. She is a sports enthusiast – thanks to her dad – and playing tennis, badminton and softball was an easy filler during her free time. Like her groom, Theresa also graduated Cum Laude from the HNU College of Accountancy and successfully made it to the CPA Board Exams. Indeed, she pursued her dream to work as auditor in the top audit firms in the country like the Navaro, Amper and Co. affiliated internationally with Deloitte. Her mom’s bout against the big C told her to stop from her audit job in order to dedicate her time to her mother. Today, she is a happy member of the Finance Team of the Bombardier Transportation Company based in Cebu City.
“PHOTOS ARE COURTESY OF 3DOTS Concepts of Alan Nadela of Cebu.

The church processional on Saturday, April 16, 2016, at 3:00 in the afternoon, at the St. Ignatius de Loyola Parish here in Tagbilaran City with Cebu – based Rev. Fr. Mike Fortich, the uncle of the bride, as officiating priest and with the Loboc Children’s Choir, under the baton of Alma Taldo, providing the church music.