FOR JUNE 11, 2023
A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
Topic: VAPING (Part 1)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Our latest conversation,
Dr. Bryan, was on blood thinners. It was a very
exciting discussion. This time, allow me to ask you
questions about VAPING.
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Sure!
TBT: First of all, what is vaping, Dr. Bryan?
Dr. Bryan: Okay. Vaping is the practice of inhaling
and exhaling vapour that has nicotine and flavouring
produced by a device designed for the purose.
TBT: Why do young people now resort to vaping
instead of smoking
Dr. Bryan: Maybe young people believe that vaping is
a less harmful alternative to smoking. That is my
guess. They believe that inhaling of vapour through
an electronic (e-cigarette) or other vaping device is
less harmful.
TBT: Positive cases of Covid with the new variant are
increasing in the province. Is Vaping safe as far as
Covid is concerned? Is there a relationship between
vaping and covid infection?
Dr. Bryan: Yes, there is. If one is infected with Covid
and he continues to vape, the big possibility is his
covid condition will become severe. The reason here
is that when one vapes he inhales a vapour with
chemicals. Even if the vape vendors will say that their
vapour is something that is organic and natural, what
is inside that vape vapour is chemical. And any form
of chemical that enters our lungs will always be
harmful. It will affect our resistance. So if our
resistance is low and there is a virus that infects us,
our condition will become severe. So, a person who is
infected with covid but keeps himself away from
vaping is better off than a person who is infected with
covid and continues to inhale the vapour with
chemicals. It is not easy to have a severe condition
when one is infected with the virus.
TBT: What is the difference between vaping and
smoking? Is vaping as bad as smoking?
Dr. Bryan: There are various studies to this question.
I have read that experts “agree that vaping is
substantially less harmful than smoking but it is not
risk-free. Vaping exposes users to fewer toxins and at
lower levels than smoking cigarettes.” An e-cigarette
or a vape pen heats a liquid of nicotine, flavouring and
other additives into an aerosol that one inhales
through a mouthpiece. Let us remember that vaping
can cause problems in breathing, damage of organs,.
It can lead to addiction, too, including other
conditions. Kung aduna kay hubak (asthma) nga
walay kaayuhan, ayaw na lang gyud pag suway ug
gamit sa sigarilyo ug sa vape. Even if they say
that vaping is a good alternative to smoking, I
still say that it is not 100 per cent safe.
Makadaot gihapon ni silang duha, vaping nd
cigarette smoking, sa atong baga. While
vaping has less temperature compared to
smoking, parehas ra gipahon nia silang duha
- makadaot sa baga. Ang nakalahian lang
nila ang chemicals na makuha nato sa duha.
Ang sigarilyu taas man ug temperature inig
ginhawa nimo pero sa vape ug kanunay ka
exposed niana kanang aso nga mahigop
nimo sa vape maka cause gihapon na ug
Chronic irritation sa tong baga. All these will
lead to COPD.
TBT: What is COPD?
Dr. Bryan: COPD means Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease. This refers to a group of
diseases that can cause airflow blockage and
breathing-related problems. It includes
emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD
makes breathing difficult. (To be continued)