FOR JUNE 25, 2023
(Part 3)
We have been discussing TMJ Disorders including their causes
and how common they occur. We have also presented their
symptoms and risk factors.
Please keep in mind that if your jaw is clicking but there’s no
movement limitation or pain from it, then there’s no need to treat
you for a TMJ disorder. It’s a benign phenomenon not related to
TMJ syndrome as long as it’s not causing you pain.
However, please remember the factors that may increase your
risk of TMJ disorder development. They include the following:
Dental surgery.
Physical injury.
Jaw injury or disorder.
Autoimmune diseases.
Genetic, hormonal, or environmental factors.
Various arthritis types such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
Bruxism or long-term chronic clenching or grinding of the
teeth during sleep.
Certain connective tissue diseases that make problems that
can affect the TMJ.
Studies show that violinists experience TMJ disorders at a higher
rate than the general population. It’s because they have to hold
their violin under the jaw, which increases their risk for TMJ
syndrome development. This shows that seemingly, any regular
amount of strain on your jaw can lead to issues with your TMJ.
Another thing to note is: the discomfort and suffering linked to
TMJ disorders is temporary and with this, you can now turn your
attention to how to go about treating it.
So, what are the TMJ Syndrome Treatments and Therapies?
You can relieve TMJ disorder pain with nonsurgical treatments
and self-managed care. When dealing with this particular
condition, surgery is typically done as a last resort rather than the
first line of care. It’s what you should go for when all the more
conservative nonsurgical methods have failed.
However, some people with TMJ disorders might benefit the most
with surgery versus home remedies and noninvasive treatments.
Let us have a look at some treatments of TMJ Disorders:
Home or Clinic Therapies: There are multiple therapies and
treatment options for TMJ syndrome. Some of them require
medical or clinical attention. Some you can perform at home in
order to address the more temporary or short-term pain
symptoms of TMJ disorder. While it may be tempting to take
over-the-counter or OTC painkillers, you need medical or dental
attention in order to get a more long-term solution for your TMJ
Custom-Made Dental Appliance: You can avail yourself of a
non-invasive, custom-made dental appliance in order to relieve
TMJ pain and correct any misalignment that might have
happened to the joint. Also known as oral appliances, these
apparatuses are akin to mouth guards that athletes wear when
undergoing full-contact sports. They’re conveniently designed to
improve your symptoms and relieve pain related to TMJ
syndrome. (To be continued)