by Donald Sevilla
The idiomatic expression “to put one’s money where one’s
mouth is” simply means to “take action to support one’s
statements or opinions”.
In other words we have to stand up for what we say and
take responsibility for words we utter out of our mouths.
Taking accountability is the trademark of a mature and
responsible person and not of a reckless and immature
We gain credibility by how we stand up for what we say.
Owning up in support of our spoken words is important
otherwise we will be likened to empty, clanging cymbals.
When we speak with conviction and passion about our
advocacies we must back it up with concrete actions.
Words are empty and meaningless without a
corresponding resolve to make good on what we say.
Thus someone who is good only with words but does not
deliver ceases to be trustworthy. He is not worth our while
and should not be taken seriously.
Critics who do nothing but criticize without substantiating
their allegations are like hollow, empty gongs. Devoid of
substance their actions should not even see the light of
Most attention- seekers resort to glib rhetoric to gain
prominence and recognition. They are hungry to be the
star of everyone’s attention that they just blurt things out
as they please.
But when confronted with the need to back their words
with actions they are quick to come up with convenient
excuses to shy away from responsibility.
How many do we know belong to this kind of boisterous,
toxic individuals who pester us with their bloated egos?
Our society has enough ills that we need to avoid exactly
this kind of persons.
Yet no matter what we do, pesky people somehow
manage to shove themselves at us and get in our way. So
how should we solve a wily problem like this?
Ignoring those who seek attention most is one way of
consigning their egos into oblivion. When they are no
longer talked about, become irrelevant and taken for
granted they will cease to exist in our consciousness.
When this happens only then can we have the peace and
quiet we so desire.