Sikatuna Mayor Justiniana Ellorimo (inset, upper left corner) announces the implementation of the
“Idol ko si Nanay” program. This is a program by Local Government Units and the National Nutrition
Council that aims to prevent malnutrition, promote Early Childhood Care and Development and offers
different learning lessons to the mother participants in order to strengthen a holistic community based
interventions. Moreover, the mayor said that on Aug. 30, 2023 at 10:23 o’clock in the morning, the
Philippine National Police personnel of the Sikatuna Municipal Police Station led by PSMS Al-Noel G.
Felicia, PCR PNCO with PMSg Nehma A. Garcia, WCPD PNCO under the supervision of officer-in-
charge PLT Elizandra Julia M. Jamora, conducted lectures on RA 7610 and the Children’s Rights, to
the mother participants as part of their module which is Child Protection. Said activity was
successfully done at Barangay Badiang, Sikatuna, Bohol. Contributed photo