Bohol I Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BOHECO I), the electric distributor in the northern
and western towns of Bohol, has announced a new e-billing service for its member-
consumer-owners (MCOs) to access their monthly bills anytime and anywhere.
The e-billing service offers three options for the MCOs to choose from: SMS billing,
electronic billing, and web page.
According to the announcement posted on BOHECO I’s official Facebook page, the
MCOs can simply follow and key in the details below to avail of the service:

  • SMS billing – the monthly bill will be sent via text to the MCO’s mobile number. The
    MCO needs to type BILL(space)BOHECOI ACCOUNT
    NUMBER(space)BILLINGMONTH-YEAR and send it to 0917-6315-926 for all
    networks. For example, BILL 1616001234 09-2023.
  • Electronic billing – the monthly bill will be sent to the MCO’s registered email
    address. The MCO needs to type EMAIL(space)BOHECO I ACCOUNT
    NUMBER(space)EMAIL ADD and send it to 0917-6315-926 for all networks. For
    example, EMAIL 1616001234
  • Web page – the monthly bill will be shown on BOHECO I’s web page by typing in
    the web browser and inputting the 10-digit account number.
    The e-billing service is part of BOHECO I’s efforts to provide quality electric services
    consistent with its core values, taking advantage of the latest technologies of the
    resources for MCO satisfaction.
    BOHECO I also aims to provide easy access on membership and intensify the
    information and dissemination drive of BOHECO I to its members and consumers.
    BOHECO I was established in 1971 and currently serves 26 municipalities in Bohol
    with a total of 86,000 MCOs.
    It is one of the top performing electric cooperatives in the country and has received
    several awards from the National Electrification Administration (NEA) and other