Mansasa barangay captain Alvin Visarra has called on relevant government agencies to conduct stricter inspection of the roadworthiness of public utility vehicles (PUVs), particularly passenger jeepneys, after a near-fatal accident on the Mansasa-Dampas road on January 15, 2024.
Vissara said in a radio interview on January 16, 2024 that many PUVs need to be upgraded or replaced, especially those that are similar to the one involved in the accident.
He also said the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and other agencies should ensure that the PUVs that operate in the province are in good condition and comply with the safety standards.
Visarra pointed out that there is an existing city ordinance that prohibits the entry of six-wheeler trucks and passenger jeepneys on the Mansasa-Dampas road, which is known as the “killer road” due to its steep slope and sharp curves.
“Diha’y ordinansa sa city nga no entry gyud na sya, 6-whellers ug PUJ. Naa pod nakabutang diha nga no entry, unya ang PUJ wala nila nabutang. Ang 6-whellers lang ang nakabutang [sa no entry sign],” he said. (There is an ordinance in the city that it is really no entry for six-wheelers and PUJs. There is also a no entry sign there, but they did not put PUJ. Only six-wheelers are on the no entry sign.)
The barangay captain said that the jeepneys are not supposed to use the road, but they ignore the ban because they want to pick up more passengers along the way.
He said that they are planning to reinforce the implementation of the no entry rule on trucks and passenger jeepneys to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future. He added that vehicles going up the road will be allowed to enter.
On January 15, 2024, a passenger jeepney that was going down the Mansasa-Dampas road lost control and crashed into the roadside, almost plunging into the sea along VP Inting Street.
The jeepney driver, Jeramer Calimpusan, 37, said that his brakes failed as he was descending the road.
He intentionally hit the roadside to stop the jeepney from falling off the cliff. The trees in the area helped prevent the jeepney from falling into the water.
According to reports, nine people, including the driver and the conductor, were safe, although some of them suffered minor injuries.
In 2019, at least three people were killed and dozens were injured when a passenger jeepney that was going down the Mansasa-Dampas road met an accident. The jeepney’s brakes also malfunctioned.
The jeepney first collided with another jeepney, then hit a Baclayon fire truck that was traveling along VP Inting Street towards Tagbilaran, and then smashed into a private car that was heading to Baclayon from Tagbilaran.