Tubigon mayor William Jao (inset, upper right corner) reports that residents of his town observed the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The observance, done on Aug. 13, 2022, aimed to create awareness on efforts to fight trafficking of persons. Contributed photo

Trinidad mayor Roberto Cajes (extreme right, front row) has reported that the Municipality of Trinidad is top 6 among towns in the country in the 2021 Collection Efficacy of Locally Sourced Revenues of the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF). Also shown in the photo from left, front row are: Vice Mayor Fernando Erio, Municipal Treasurer Maria Evelyn Baradas, and Municipal Assessor Reynante Magadia. Other municipal officials are standing at the back row. The local government unit (LGU) of Trinidad managed to collect P131.54 million in 2020 compared to P46.17 million in 2019. The LGU remains committed to sustain efficient revenue generation efforts for better local governance and efficient public service. Contributed photo