Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog

Cardiogenic Shock

The most common symptoms of cardiogenic shock are the following:
– rapid breathing
– severe shortness of breath
– sudden rapid heart beat
– weak pulses
– and loss of consciousness.

And because of the low blood pressure that causes poor tissue perfusion, the following signs can be seen in the patients with cardiogenic shock:
– low urine production
– cool arms and legs
– and decreased level of consciousness

What can you do when you see a person in cardiogenic shock?

You must have presence of mind and must act quickly by:

  • letting the person lay down on a flat surface and may elevate the legs and feet slightly unless there is pain or it can cause further injury
  • telling the person to keep still
  • doing CPR if you are a trained CPR provider if there are no signs of life and if you are not a trained CPR provider you must call for help
  • loosening tight clothing
  • and covering the person with a blanket to prevent chilling

Since the most common cause of cardiogenic shock is heart attack and this condition is aggravated by advancing age, underlying heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and history of smoking; then, we must adapt a lifestyle change by eating proper foods, doing exercises and avoiding smoking and stress.